Sunday, March 31, 2019
An Investigation into the Effect of Organisation on Memory
An Investigation into the Effect of Organisation on MemoryResearch previous(prenominal) research has been done by antithetical psychologists into the affect of organisation on holding. In 1953 Bous content asked thespians to try and go out 60 manner of speakingconsisting of 4 categories, (animals, peoples names, professions andvegetables) with 15 mental testingples of individually all mixed up. Bousfield foundthat when players free devolveed ( reverted in e actually order) theytended to cluster similar items, Eg if someone back outed onion itwas very likely that other vegetables followed. Although participantshad non been told of the categories, the fact they recalled inclusters suggested that they had tried to organise the data. Bousfieldcalled this trend mo nononic clustering.Another body of work took place in 1967 by Mandler, where subjects were abandoned inclinings of stochastic haggling and asked to sort them into a given trope ofcategories ( in the midst of 2 and 7). at one cadence sorted the participants were askedto recall as m all of the run-in as possible. The results showed thatrecall was poorest for those who white plagued 2 categories and increasedsteadily by about 4 address per extra category. Those with 7 categoriesrecalled approximately 20 to a greater extent words than those who accommodate 2. Mandlerargued that the great number of categories practice sessiond, the greater amount oforganisation was impose on the angle.However my particular carry is inspired and based on a later one byBowers et al in 1969, in which data wads arrange by conceptualhierarchy. In this contemplate participants were required to learn a itemisation ofwords which were arrange in a hierarchical structure. See appendix 1.The participants studied were split into 2 groups, on group were giventhe identify in the correct hierarchical form, the other group were giventhe equal words in a similar structure however the words were mixed up.Short- term storehouse is believed to beat a efficiency of 72 chunks of entropy, which can sojourn on that point for approximately 20 secondswithout rehearsal. lump is a process that ostensibly increases the capacity ofshort-term memory by relating and combining the incoming informationto association that we already possess in long term memory. In chunkingwe organise information giving it a structure and substance tit did notalready bugger off, so although we can only recall around 7 chunks a substantive chunk can be very largeRationale=========The results of Bowers oeuvre showed that the list organised byconceptual hierarchical order did thence promote a higher(prenominal) recall ofwords than the list arranged in a random order. The organised listproved to have an norm of 65% words recalled correctly whereas thedisorganised list only recalled an average of 19% correctly.My study is based on the above conceptual hierarchy model. My model go forth mimic Bowers by having a main h eading which splits into severalsubheadings in a hierarchical form, these headings pull up stakes then have alist of appropriate words underneath.However, as Bower apply the foundation of minerals, ripping intocategories such as alloys and metals etc. I am going to use thegeneral theme of nutrient splitting in fruits, salads and vegetables.Aim===The show is to investigate the affect of organisation on memory by inviteing out if people esteem more words from an organised list thanthey do from a disorganised list of words.Hypothesis==========As there has been previous research into the affects of organisationon memory I provide do a 1 tailed speculation. People will commemorate more words from an organised list of words thanfrom a disorganised, secret code hypothesis=============== There will be no disparity between the number of words recalledfrom the organised list comp ard with the disorganised list. Anydifference will be due to chance.MethodDesign======For this type of study into memory I will use an data-based methodin the style of a science laboratory test because I feel it is the nearlysuitable method. It allows the precise control of variables andenables it to be replicated easily.It is the aim of this study to find out which variables areresponsible for affecting memory. Its is only by the observationalmethod we can alter and control these variables.The construct will be independent measures, which means that it consistsof 2 groups of different individualsTherefore it is an independent measures design because we willobviously need 2 separate groups of individuals those who do theorganised list and those who do the disorganised.The task takes place in the recreational digest in the college. Thisis in the participants own settings rather than in a laboratory. Thisshould dilute the stress and pressure of the situation and promotenatural behaviour.Variables=========The variables are controlled whether the participant is given theorgani sed list or the disorganised list to memorize. unconditional variableThe independent variable is the factor which I have manipulated andcontrolled. In this case it is whether the list of words is organizedinto categories or whether it is disorganized. Dependant variableThe dependant variable is what is affected by the independentvariable, it is also measurable. This is how success to the full people think of. I can measure the dependent variable by recording how manywords are recalled.*The two lists contain the same words, Universal words were chosen forthe lists so that no one would have any expertise or advantage everyplace anyone else. The theme of food is a universal topic thateveryone has certain degree of knowledge about, less(prenominal) obviouseveryday foods were also used to prevent people obviously guessing atcommon foods.Sample and Participants=======================In order to assume my research I will need some people to study. Theparticipants used are called a samp le. The type of sample I havechosen to use is called an opportunity sample. This means that I willuse anyone that is on hand(predicate) at the time the experiment is conductedproviding they are over the age of 16.I chose this method because it is the most convenient I will study a union of 40 people. 20 will do the organised list (consisting of 10male and 10 female) and the other 20 will do the disorgansied list(also consisting of 10 male and 10 female). The participants will allbe students of Stafford College, therefore should be of similar agesand well-disposed background.Apparatus========= Organized list Appendix 2 disorganize list Appendix 3 quad paper Pen StopwatchEthics====== Participants must(prenominal) be over 16 years of age. Participants should give informed consent to take part. Confidentiality is of the furthest importance no names will berecorded Subjects are free to withdrawn from the study at any point, even aft(prenominal) it has been completed they can re quest their results are notused. To avoid any psychological harm or damage to self-esteem,participants should be praised and thanked for taking part. Subjects will be fully debriefed to the true nature of the studyafter completion. turn=========The study is carried out in the recreational area of a college. Myselfand my cub researcher will approach students and by following thestandard book of instruction manual (Appendix 4) will ask them if they would mindparticipating in the study. If they agree then they will be providedwith either an organised list or a disorganised list of words tomemorise.The participants are given 2 minutes to study the list of words, thisis then taken off them and another 2 minutes is given for them to freerecall and write down as many words as they can remember on a blankpiece of paper.When this time is up each participant is fully debriefed. Eachpotential participant is approached addressed debriefed the same wayvictimization the prepared standardize d instructions (appendix 4)This is so that what I say to each person doesnt have an influence ontheir behaviour or their power to recall data.ControlsAll variables excluding the independent variable must be controlledand unbroken consistent for each participant. This will ensure the resultsobtained are as completed and reliable as possible. Each participant is given the same date to memorize and recallthe data, namely 2 minutes The task will be carried out in the recreational area of the collegefor each participant. The researcher will communicate with the participant victimisation theprepared standardized instructions so all participants are treated thesame. Each participant will be debriefed and thanked in the same mannerusing the standardized instructions. prorogue of Results-The tables below show the number of words recalled by each participantfor both the organized and disorganized list.Organized amountDisorganized ListParticipant No. haggle recalledParticipant No.Words re called11616216263173741447517556156671476816859159610161071116116121212513151361416144151415516171671714176181318719181972016206Measures of Central Tendency-Organized ListDisorganized ListMean15.356Median166 flair166Range6315.35 = 0.697 * vitamin C 70% is the average number of words recalled fromthe organized list.226 = 0.272 * 100 27% is the average number of words recalled fromthe disorganized list.22Results outlineThe results displayed in the table assailablely show that when words arearranged in an organized structure it does improve memory and the business leader to terminus and recall information.The average number of words recalled from the organized list is 15.35,thats 70% of all the words recalled. Whereas the list arranged in arandom order only recalled an average of 6 words, thats only 27% ofthe total words recalled.These figures show what an obvious effect organization imposes onmemory. It seems to obviously increase memory capacity.Short-term memory has a limited capacity of approximately 7 2 slotsof information. This is supported by the fact that an average of 6words were recalled from the disorganized list.However an average of 15 words were recalled from the disorganizedlist, this is much more data than can be stored in short term memory.This is evidence that a process called chunking took place. Chunkingis a process which involves relating and combining information toknowledge already stored in long term memory. This apparentlyincreases the capacity of short term memory by giving data a structureand meaning it did not already process therefore increasing the sizeof a meaningful chunk. So although we only have the ability to store 72 slots of information in STM, A slot can be very large.In the case of the organized list, chunking would most likely advance byrelating and combining the information into the already coordinategroups of salads, fruits and vegetables.From the results I have obtained I can confidently conclude that myhypothesi s can be accepted that a greater number of words are and thenrecalled from an organized list compared with the same list of wordsin a random order.I can therefore reject my null hypothesis that the results producedwere not due to chance but due to the structure that organizationimposes.Discussion- Implications of the studyMy results support the hypothesis that people do indeed recall morewords from an organized list than from a disorganized list. Theaverage number of words recalled from the organized list was 15.35compared to just 6 from the disorganized list, so this is clearlytrue.My study was based on a previous study by Bowers in 1969 The resultsI produced are similar to those obtained by Bowers.Table comparing the result of my study and Bowers studyMy involveBowers StudyAverage words recalled% of WordsAverage words recalled% of WordsOrganized16.3570%16.965%Disorganized627%4.9419%The results are quite similar although my results have a higher part of words recalled for both t he organized and disorganizedlist compared to Bowers results, however it must be taken into accountthat more words were obscure in Bowers list 26 compared to the 22words used on my list. This will have an affect on memory as theparticipant is challenged to remember more words. Also differentthemes were used, Bower used that of mineralsWhereas mine involved food. This could affect the ability to recallespecially if some of Bowers participants had more narrow downknowledge then others, the same can be said for the theme of food.With these factors in mind, on the whole my results are similar tothose obtained by Bowers. harshnessThe study does show that organisation can aid how effectively weremember data and can be regarded as accurate and reliable. Howeverthe experimental method that was used lacks in ecological harshness.Although the study took place in a recreational area, so therefore inthe participants own settings, it is not however a natural everydayscenario to need to reme mber words in this manner, it is an artificialsituation. Apart from these factors I did attempt to make the discharge asvalid as possible. For example I tried to use everyday universal wordsthat people would be familiar with and no one would have anyparticular advantage or knowledge over anyone else. Also I tried tomake the variables as clear as possible because variables can affectpeoples memory ie. Whether they are given the organised ordisorganised list, However it is crucial that they werent told whatthe list is as itd give the participant some insight into the truenature of the experiment and give them an advantage. Overall, I thinkthat my study is a good histrionics of the affect organisation hason memory. Improving ValidityTo improve the validity of this research it needs to be performed in amore lifelike scenario, an vagary f this would be to change the methodto make it more valid. I could do this by doing my research in theform of exam revision so it would be more like a field experiment. Icould do this by creating a situation in which 2 groups are given oneweek to study for a vitiated test. One group is encouraged to reviseusing an organised method, structured into categories and subheadings,whereas the other group are left to their own methods.Another idea is to use the same method used by Rubin and Olsen. Theytried to bring about a valid test by inquire university students to recall professor and they subjects they taught by giving one group anorganised list to study and the other a list in random order. dependabilityI used the experimental method in the style of a laboratoryexperiment. This method is usually very reliable and accurate as itallows enjoyment and full control over the variables (i.e. Whetherthe participant is given the organized or disorganized list) I can befairly sure that if I repeated my research I would get very similarresults to what I have obtained.I had strict controls and kept factors constant, such as time tomemor ize and recall, this should ensure that results recorded areaccurate. I also used a set of standardized instructions and procedurewhich I followed when asking a student to participate, this was tomake sure that what I said to each person didnt have any effect ontheir ability to recall words. However, the sampling method usedcalled opportunity sampling can be seen as biased because theresearcher chooses who to take part and who doesnt. Improving ReliabilityTo improve reliability I could have used the sampling proficiency ofmatched groups. This consists of 2 groups of people which arematched by age gender background etc. i.e. for every person there issomeone to match them in the opposite group,Also I could use a wider range of participants of different ages andpeople from different parts of the country (they would still need tobe matched for the other group)Also I could test a larger number of people than 20 per list. Generalization of FindingsA generalization could be do from my re sults that organization doesindeed prove to increase the capacity of memory and the ability torecall. However it needs to be taken into account that the study wasconducted in one small area and participants were all students ofsimilar age and social background, so it can be argued that it isunreasonable and inaccurate to generalize and apply the results toeveryone. For example, it would not be reasonable to apply the resultsof a small conduct group of young adults to the older generation.The study on the whole was not a natural scenario so it isntreasonable to conclude that it is how people would come in reallife. Application to Everyday LifeThis study could be applied to help people in everyday life. Someideas of how it could be used is to aid in exam revision for example,by revising from notes arranged in an organised manner should organizethe date in the brain and promote purify recall in exams and thereforebetter exam results.Another idea is that it could help people with lea rning difficulties,if they learn from material arranged in an organized and structuredformat using subheadings etc it will give it a structure and meaningit did not already have and it should be easier to learn and store theinformation.
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