Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Scarlet Letter :: Essays Papers

The Scarlet LetterIn this allegory Hester Prynee is represented in several(prenominal)different ways. Before this story starts she was sent tocapital of Massachusetts by her husband (Roger Chillingworth) who was supposedto be meeting her there shortly. He never runs it, sheassumes he died at sea. While in Boston she meets Rev.Dimmesdale she has an affair with him and gets pregnent. Hethen starts to ignore her. Months later when everyone findsout about her illegitimate daughter (Pearl) and that she isun married. She is looked upon with great sin. When she isfirst introduced into the novel she is in the prison. Sheemerges wearing an elaborately emroidered scarlet letterA (meaning adultery) on her breast, and carries her 3month old infant in her arms. She is led onto the scaffoldwhere she has to stand up in fron of the whole town as part ofher penalty. While on the scaffold she has flashbacks ofher old life, this is where we first learn about the realHester Prynne. The rest of her punishment is that she has towear the scarlet A for the rest of her life. The Rev. Mr.Dimmesdale p ternions with Hester to tell the name of the manshe had a sexual affair with, but she will not. After the 3hours she is lead back to the prison with Pearl. At thispoint in the novel we learn that back in England Hester wasmarried to a man, Roger Chillingworth. This man is now inBoston and comes to visit Hesters prison cell. Hester andDimmesdale discuss who is at fault for her affair. He admitsthat he will find the father though. When Hester is releasedfrom prison she has the choice to go anywhere in the world,but she chooses to stay in Boston where she commited her sinand where she will have her punishment. She starts sewingand sells her garments but puritan society never acceptsher. Believes A allows her to see flagitious and immoralfeelings in other people. Hesters strength is most seen whenshe goes to the Governers mansion to plead for her daughter. In the following years Hester and Dimmesdale start speakingagain. Now you will be able to see her weaker side.Shefalls in love with him all over, they plan to leave Bostonand move to Bristol, England and live the rest of theirlives there. But they never make it, When Hester dies she isburried next to Dimmesdale. Physically Hester at thebegining of the novel is a tall young woman with a figure of

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